About Us

Succulent meat, tasty broths and authentic are some the words best describe our popular known “Under the Klang Bridge Bak Kut Teh”, specially prepared with our recipes passed down from generations. “Bak Kut Teh” is loosely translated as “Meat Bone Tea” or 肉骨茶 in Chinese, is a pork meat and ribs dish, stewed to perfection with Chinese medicinal herbs as the base ingredients. covermap


肉骨茶(Bak Kut Teh)是马来西亚美食之一,是一道以猪肉和猪骨配合中国药材为基础原料煲成的汤底,再配上米饭油条,其独特的风味享誉全马,甚至扬名海外,一直都深受各地食客的喜爱。而其中,以巴生肉骨茶最为闻名,尤其是厨艺与秘方世代相传的“巴生桥底肉骨茶“ -- 巴生盛发肉骨茶。


Restaurant Seng Huat Bak Kut Teh had a humble beginning in 1979, entrusted by over 70 years of experience and passion in making flavourful Bak Kut Teh, traditional recipes have been passed down from generation to generation. cover2


巴生盛发肉骨茶是巴生肉骨茶最早的起源, 虽始于1979年, 但却拥有超过70年的经验,传统配方的美味肉骨茶经过了一代又一代的传承改良,一直获得社会各界人士的良好口碑。

Our Signature Dish

Bak Kut Teh is specially prepared by our passionate chefs. Pork meat and selected internal parts of swine are exquisitely sourced to produce the finest Bak Kut Teh, complemented by freshly vegetables and tofu that are acquired direct from market. Chinese herbs undoubtedly play essential roles to spice up the whole dish.  cover5


To name the few;  the fragrant cinnamon, healthy ginseng, star anise’s savouriness and several other aromatic herbs make a complete Bak Kut Teh here at our restaurants. cover3



Our Passion

Our passion and eagerness to share this delicacy to the world have led to the birth of our Bak Kut Teh convenience pack. This pack shares the exact recipes, delicately formulated and packed to ensure the freshness of the right concoction of herbs and spices. The underlying concept is to bring our Bak Kut Teh right at your doorstep, to your kitchen.   cover4

Our Eagerness

One needs not to be a top chef to whip up a Bak Kut Teh dish, our Seng Huat Bak Kut Teh Convenient Pack is an easy-to-cook solution for Bak Kut Teh lovers.



Passion about Bak Kut Teh

Passion about Bak Kut Teh never ends here, it has brought us to Macao Food Fair and it has attracted many local and overseas celebrities like TV host and columnist Chua Lam (also known as Choi Lan in Cantonese), celebrity chef Hugo Leung Man To, Jason Axian from ‘Taste with Jason’ program and many more to our restaurants.  cover1


Drop by to our outlets or log on to http://www.senghuatbakkutteh.com for more about Seng Huat Bak Kut Teh.